Saturday, 27 April 2013

#VFD2013 thank you rom British Red Cross

The Red Cross would like to say a heartfelt thank you to Leicester Sikh community. During their Vaisakhi celebrations, they have mobilised the power of humanity to ensure that vulnerable refugees facing destitution will not go hungry.

Food donations were delivered by the vanload as Leicester Sikh community rallied together for the food drive. More than 10,000 items were collected at the Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara, to coincide with Vaisakhi, traditionally a time to help others.

The food will not just feed them, but will act as a beacon of hope and support. People we see have fled persecution and torture from countries with well-documented human rights abuses, and then often find themselves destitute on the streets of Leicester. The asylum system frequently leaves vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers destitute and distressed.

The food provided is symbolic of the protection of a fundamental human right, giving out food here in Leicester is no different to giving food from the back of a lorry in the Sudan, the need is the same, and it is our role to help people in crisis whoever they are or wherever they may be. On behalf of all those people the food will help, we thank you.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Join Kaurageous Leicester on the Race for Life

5K Race

When: Sunday 30th June 2013 10.30am

Where: Victoria Park, Leicester participate in the race as part of the Kaurageous Leicester team please email us at: or Facebook us Kaurageous Leicester or DM us @leicesterkaurs

We will then send you the sign up link and order you a FREE Kaurageous Race for Life t-shirt!


To sponsor Kaurageous Leicester please visit:  


text:  KAUR99 £10.  to 70070 to donate  






See previous pics and videos at: 


Monday, 15 April 2013

#VFD2013 thank you.

What an absolutely AMAZING day #VFD2013 Vaisakhi Food Drive 2013 @ Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara, Leicester was. Something like 8+ TONNES was donated by the kind kind sangat. Sainsburys also donates to Fareshare and we about matched their donation- a local community matching a national corporation!!!! Thank you to all the sangat who donated, chipped in, organised, smiled, laughed, joked, had fun- sharing Vaisakhi with such inspirational people was wonderful! It was nice to see so many volunteers get involved, especially mums and daughters who served together with smiles and love.

The sangat just kept giving and giving from 8am to the last donation at 8.45pm!  We are so privileged to have such a generous Sikh comm
unity here in Leicester. The donations today surpassed all our expectations. Both British Red Cross & Fareshare commented that they have NEVER received so much food EVER. Thank you for the lovely words of encouragement and support on the day from young and old alike. Thank you to all the other faith communities who supported us via social media and on the day too- #UnityInTheCommunity

We wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who donated today as well as all those who helped as sevadaars (volunteers), especially those who stayed from 8-8pm and those who stayed right till the end to help in the dark!!! The extra vans and loading (even on Sunday!) says a lot about the selfless nature of many of our young community members.

The official photographs can be viewed via Kaurageous Leicester facebook  or

As we were leaving the British Red Cross, Peter from the Red Cross said something that we will NEVER forget. He said: "Sikhs are the MOST AMAZING community EVER!!!" Thank you for being our blessed family and helping to serve humanity with peace and love.
There are far too many organisations and people to thank, as this was a #Leicester collective effort with many community members, media, politicians etc but most of all, the lovely people who helped on the day collecting, giving, sorting, organising, labelling, loading, unloading...the list of thank yous is endless. We hope God continues to bless all the amazing souls who helped, thank you from Leicester Kaurageous- your kindness is overwhelming!
One sister summed up the day well:
Vaheguru Ji it really was an amazing day. I had imagined the sangat would do a great job with donations and seva and with Guru's kirpa it was definitely the case! The best thing about seva like that is however much u do, ur reminded that ur part of a whole much greater then urself. I love that feeling!
What better way to celebrate Vaisakhi thant to serve humanity and receive the blessings of Guru Jee.

 Thank you to Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaj

For more info please see:
BBC Radio Leicester Report: BBC Radio Leicester [From 2hr:42min30sec]: and 17 mins for the round of Vaisakhi in Leicester
Many of the attendees on the day will be on Vaisakhi Radio tomorrow from 8.15pm onwards.