Tuesday, 19 February 2013

A true foot soldier....

Via MISS REPRESENTATION...."Known as the "turbaned tornado", Singh began running marathons at the tender age of 89 as a way to cope with his grief over the death of his wife and eldest child. Since then, he's run at least eight marathons and set numerous records for his age group. Wonderfully, just last month, he participated in a mini marathon in India to raise awareness about women's rights in the wake of a fatal rape of student Jyoti Singh Pandey. 'I am pained to listen that my daughters and granddaughters and great granddaughters are no longer safe.'" - Jezebel on the 101-year-old Fauja Singh

Video and article: http://jezebel.com/5985220/101+year+old-man-runs-marathon-for-womens-rights 

Thursday, 14 February 2013

The Strength of a Sister #InspireASister

Bibi Kamaldeep Kaur (Sister of Bhai Rajoana Jee)

Quote from Sarbjit Singh of Rajoana TV.

"Bibi Kamaldeep Kaur has also been an inspiration with a lot of resolve and strength. She has been the only link between Bhai Rajoana Jee and the rest of the world.

A message, especially for my sisters, who see the Sikh Freedom Movement as quite masculine, we see people with guns and ammunition but we forget behind these great souls are amazing, strong women who have accomplished so much! Furthermore, even recently in our very life time, some like Bibi Kamaldeep Kaur are an inspiration, showing us how strong a woman can be!

If you look at Shaheed Jaspal Singh Jee, somebody who was made Shaheed during the protests against Bhai Sahib's execution; when he was laying there on the day of his funeral, his mother and sister didn't have white chunnia on (which is what we normally do as a cultural thing as a mark of respect). Instead they had kesri on which meant we are still part of this movement.

It is really important to look at these women and especially for my sisters who can draw strength from people like Bibi Kamaldeep Kaur. She is a victim of this system. She has lost a brother, a sister and her parents were tortured, yet she still continues with complete resolve.

A big THANK YOU to Bibi Kamaldeep Kaur."



Wednesday, 13 February 2013

What is TRUE LOVE?

What is TRUE LOVE?

"True Love is the Highest Stage of Spiritual Perfection". Baba Narinder Singh Ji

"Satguru also applies a Thermometer to a Sikh. He measures only one Divine Virtue, sole commodity known as Prema-True Love. " Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj

"God thirsts and hungers for this Prema – True Love much more than the devotee and rushes forth to the yearning call of Love". Baba Narinder Singh Ji

"In true state of Prema, in true love one forgets, one loses oneself in the Divine."Baba Narinder Singh Ji

"True love wells up in the heart. It is through this mighty current of love that true prayer flows to the Holy Feet of the Beloved Lord. Along with this powerful current of love, one flows in totality, thus forgetting and losing one's own individuality and identity in the Divine. " Baba Narinder Singh Ji
Please visit  http://www.babanandsinghsahib.org/main.htm to read more about Dhan Baba Nand Singh Jee's descriptions and experiences of the true essence of love.
The biography Eternal Glory of Dhan Baba Nand Singh Jee can also be purchased via this website.


Monday, 11 February 2013


Where does Sikhi Resources stem from?

With the blessings of Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee, Oadby Punjabi School, Leicester has been blessed with Punjabi and Sikhi classes for children and young people aged 5-17. The aim is to present a unique, interactive and educational way of learning how to read and write the Punjabi language in class 1. Furthermore, the school's aim is to empower Sikh children with the knowledge of Sikh history in class 2 through a holistic and individualised approach. Our mission is to inspire a generation with the beautiful, blissful and blessed teachings of Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee.

To ensure that children born in the UK can understand, appreciate and relate to the importance Sikhi still holds today, the Sikh History class is taught in English. The teachers taking this class have previously been involved in organising Sikhi Camps run in Leicester over the last few years, some of whom are professional GCSE and A Level Teachers.

The major task of all teachers is to enable students to achieve their full spiritual, social, emotional, physical and intellectual potential by developing in them relevant skills, competencies, attitudes, concepts and knowledge of Sikhi. Teachers alongside the students journey seek to develop self esteem and self-fulfilment within the framework of Sikh ideology.

For any queries or to partake in Seva please contact: sikhiresources@hotmail.com

Also like and follow our facebook page: www.facebook.com/sikhiresources

Divinity Blossoms from the Seed of Humility

The Selfless Seva of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Jee and Mata Ganga Jee

“The Nectar of Wisdoms from the Holy Lips of Baba Nand Singh Jee Maharaj, flowed as follows:

News of the Sacred enthronement of Sri Guru Arjan Sahib spread all around and the devotees eager to have a direct glimpse of Nanak the Fifth set out for Amritsar from distant places. In this spiritual quest, sangat from Kabul was also on its way to Amritsar. On the last day of their journey they were determined to reach the holy presence of the new Guru but could not make it and had to camp a few miles away from Sri Harmandir Sahib. Sangat included the old, the young and the children. Tired and hungry, they now yearned for a blessed vision of the Holy Guru next morning.

Sri Guru Arjan Sahib asked Mata Ganga, His holy wife, to prepare plenty of food with her own hands. Guru Arjan along with Mata Ganga then carried the food and water on their heads barefooted to the camp site. They served the food and water to the tired and hungry sangat. One old man, very much tired, was pressing his own legs. Sri Guru Arjan Sahib with folded hands begged for this service and started pressing the legs of the old man. The whole night the Guru and his wife served the sangat and fanned them with a hand-fan (Gurdwara Pipli Sahib stands as a Scared Memorial on this holy spot).

Early morning the sangat set out for Sri Harmandir Sahib. On arrival they took off their shoes outside. Jathedar (Incharge) of the sangat requested someone to guard and look after all the belongings and shoes there. But everyone was thirsting for the blessed glimpse of the New Guru.

Sri Guru Arjan Sahib again with folded hands volunteered for this service. When seated inside, the visiting sangat did not find the holy Guru on his seat. Jathedar enquired Baba Budha Jee who told them the Guru and His wife had gone to serve the incoming sangat from Kabul last night and they had not yet returned. Jathedar told Baba Budha Jee that a very simple and humble young couple had come last night with food and water and had been in service of the sangat the whole night. When told that he was left outside to guard the belongings and the shoes, Baba Budha Jee along with the sangat proceeded to the said spot.

On arrival they find the Humility Incarnate Guru ecstatically absorbed in cleaning the shoes of the holy sangat. Baba Budha Jee started crying and so did the sangat. “O Lord Satguru Sache Patsah, what are you doing?” cried Baba Budha Jee.

Awakened from this total immersion in humble service, Sri Guru Arjan Sahib looked up and said, “O revered Baba Budha Jee, please do not stop me from doing this blessed service of the shoes of the loving children of my Beloved Guru Nanak.”

Sangat had the blessed darshans of their New Guru. They directly beheld and perceived their own Lord cleaning their shoes in devotion. Tears flowed in unending streams from their eyes melting away any traces of lurking ego, in this Vision Supreme. They had learnt the highest lesson of spirituality, i.e. Humility in Devotion and Devotion in Humility.

Aghast with wonder, love, reverence, the holy Sangat fell flat at the holy feet of the Satguru, the true Prophet of Devotional Humility and Love. Later when the All Merciful Guru composed the Scared Scripture of a Universal Religion of Love enshrining all the Celestial Harmonies and totally steeped in Devotional Humility and still later when the Great Guru out of infinite love for mankind, paid the heaviest price for the same and burnt Himself on the burning hot plate under the cruel showers of burning sand that the World realised the uniqueness of the Incarnation of Guru Arjan.

The world owes an incalculable debt to the Greatest Redeemer of all times, Sri Guru Arjan Dev Jee.

Love is met by Love. Love begets love. If the devoted Sangat is yearning to behold the Satguru, the Satguru is equally yearning to welcome and receive Sangat. If the devoted Sangat is yearning to serve the Guru, the Guru runs to serve them. Divine Love is Reciprocal. If the hearts of devoted Sikhs are fully occupied by the love of the Satguru the Holy Heart of the Satguru is fully occupied by the love of His devotees.”

Excerpt from the Book: "Eternal Glory of Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj"

Purchase book from: www.babanandsinghsahib.org

Sunday, 10 February 2013

The Power of a Mother

The power of a Mother    

"A child in the lap of its mother knows no discomfort, experiences no inconveniences, faces no hunger, and enjoys sound sleep as the mother takes upon herself all the sufferings and inconveniences whether at home or outside, but does not let the child suffer the slighest inconvenience. When a worldly mother can sacrifice so much for her child, how much the Lord, the real Mother and Father, cares for His beloved children can only be realised by those who have basked in delight and joy in the Grace of Baba Nand Singh Jee Maharaj."


Saturday, 2 February 2013


The sangat, the love, the anand was OUT OF THIS WORLD today! Thank you to all of the beautiful, blessed and blissful people who attended and all that supported. Bibi Amritpal Kaur WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! The talk felt as though she was talking directly to each individual, with the love and light of maharaj resonating in each heart and vibrating in the walls. Bibi Jee really captured the essence of a true Singhni- be who you were born to truely be...let's support each other and have courage, show courage and let the essence of courage be us. Maharaj kirpa the talk will be on Sikh Channel very soon. It is a must watch for Singhs and Singhnia alike. So many brilliant words, funny jokes and great sound effects lol!

Thank you to LSA and
Leicester Sikhs for organising alongisde us sisters and showing us what true brothers really are. Sikh Youth-Project and the many other online sangat for supporting and moving forward with positive momentum.

Thank you to sangat for blessing us with their darshan and the kind donations for the new Gurdwara Sahib in Costa Rica. Maharaj kirpa Bibi Jee will be back in April- hopefully for a camp. Please do add penjee on Facebook and keep in touch.
Thank you for blessing us and allowing us to start up Kaurageous Leicester again-every kind word and vow of action was appreciated. All your love and support is needed to #InspireASister

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Vaheguru. Vaheguru. Vaheguru.
PS Photos will be on Facebook very soon. We will keep you updated on the airing of the talk too. Please do contact us if you would like to help, attend or support future Kaurageous events.