The sangat, the love, the anand was OUT OF THIS WORLD today! Thank you to all of the beautiful, blessed and blissful people who attended and all that supported. Bibi Amritpal Kaur WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! The talk felt as though she was talking directly to each individual, with the love and light of maharaj resonating in each heart and vibrating in the walls. Bibi Jee really captured the essence of a true Singhni- be who you were born to truely be...let's support each other and have courage, show courage and let the essence of courage be us. Maharaj kirpa the talk will be on Sikh Channel very soon. It is a must watch for Singhs and Singhnia alike. So many brilliant words, funny jokes and great sound effects lol!
Thank you to LSA and Leicester Sikhs for organising alongisde us sisters and showing us what true brothers really are. Sikh Youth-Project and the many other online sangat for supporting and moving forward with positive momentum.
Thank you to sangat for blessing us with their darshan and the kind donations for the new Gurdwara Sahib in Costa Rica. Maharaj kirpa Bibi Jee will be back in April- hopefully for a camp. Please do add penjee on Facebook and keep in touch.
Thank you to LSA and Leicester Sikhs for organising alongisde us sisters and showing us what true brothers really are. Sikh Youth-Project and the many other online sangat for supporting and moving forward with positive momentum.
Thank you to sangat for blessing us with their darshan and the kind donations for the new Gurdwara Sahib in Costa Rica. Maharaj kirpa Bibi Jee will be back in April- hopefully for a camp. Please do add penjee on Facebook and keep in touch.
Thank you for blessing us and allowing us to start up Kaurageous Leicester again-every kind word and vow of action was appreciated. All your love and support is needed to #InspireASister
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Vaheguru. Vaheguru. Vaheguru.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Vaheguru. Vaheguru. Vaheguru.
PS Photos will be on Facebook very soon. We will keep you updated on the airing of the talk too. Please do contact us if you would like to help, attend or support future Kaurageous events.
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