Sunday, 31 March 2013

Thank you BBC Leicester

Thank you again to BBC Radio Leicester for allowing us to discuss the Vaisakhi Food Drive #VFD2013

39 minutes in for the #VFD2013 promo.

Friday, 29 March 2013

***Vaisakhi Food Drive***

***Vaisakhi Food Drive 2013***

ONE CAN make a difference

On Saturday 13th April 2013 The Sikh Community of Leicester would like to celebrate Vaisakhi by encouraging the sangat (congregation)  to partake in the seva (selfless service) of the poor and homeless.

“A poor person’s mouth is the treasure chest of God” and in the spirit of Vand Ke Shako (sharing) we would like to serve the community of Leicester. With increasing government cuts many individuals, families and children are suffering from harsh economic pressures. Leicester has 26,000 children living below the poverty line, according to national figures (BBC News).  Furthermore, an increasing number of refugees and asylum seekers are facing extreme poverty.

Accordingly, The Sikh Community of Leicester would like to support FareShare, British Red Cross and The Dawn Centre this Vaisakhi. These three local charities are carrying out vital work to help those suffering from poverty. On Saturday 13th April 2013 there will be a ‘Vaisakhi Food Drive’ marquee in the car park of Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara, 106 East Park Road, Leicester, LE5 4QB between 9am-4pm so that people can drop off their non perishable food (“shelf-stable” items that do not spoil or decay therefore they are usually packaged or tinned) items and toiletry donations. Please note that donations must be vegetarian, egg free, alcohol free please.  More donation details and contact information is attached on the poster and food drive donation list.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated in making this Vaisakhi special for everyone in Leicester.


“A poor person’s mouth is the treasure  chest of God”

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Thank You From WALL

Lovely thank you from the amazing Women's Aid Leicestershire Ltd volunteers


Sunday, 24 March 2013

Kaurageous Newsletter Issue 14

Kaurageous Newsletter Issue 14 now online...Bibi Amritpal Kaur Talk, Power of a mother, cookie recipe, Baba Nand Singh Jee inspiration and upcoming events!!!! #InspireASister

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Duvet Donation Thank You

THANK YOU to everyone who donated, helped, supported, smiled and shared. It was an amazing evening and there are so many beautiful foot soldiers of Dhan Guru Nanak out there!!! From the beautiful sangat we learnt about the essence of seva, the truth of humility, the sanctity of selflessness, the power of love and the overwhelming desire of the sangat to engage in positive change.

Thank you so much to Harps Sanghera from Willsons Solicitors, Bill Mato and Leamington Spa sevadars from Dharam Seva Recs who travelled in the snow to deliver their donations and supported us all week! Thank you to the OSPG for helping to organise and supporting on the day. Thank you to the many sevadars who supported with smiles and love . Leicester Sikhs for continued unity and support alongside the many Leicestershire Sikh Alliance reps. The lovely ladies from Women's Aid Leicestershire Limited were very grateful for all the kind donations. These will make their way to many valuable refuges on Monday morning. #positivechange