Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Educate Punjab Project

ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹਿ II

the new channel for Educate Punjab Project Leicester:

It was the dream of our elders…

The young generation are the future of a nation and it was the dream of “Nation Jewel”: Giani Jasbir Singh Ji (founder of Sukrit Trust) that where students should learn about Sikhi and involve within the service of their Guru’s house, they should also progress within an academic career to as high a standard as possible. Where a practising Sikh is sitting in a recognisable position within the broader society, the Sikh faith will be automatically preached to the wider population.

Through the blessings of our guru this mission: Educate Panjab Project’ has started with the aim of progressing the 1.8% Sikh minority within the rest of India through a foundation in Sikhi and a backing of academic excellence. The big problem is the poverty being faced by young Sikhs within cities and villages across Panjab and the mountain of tuition fees which is blocking their chances of receiving an adequate education. This is urging more and more young Sikhs to quit education every year and this can only ruin our chances of progressing further as a nation. Sukrit Trust has a mind blowing database of over 90,000 citizens reading Guru Granth Sahib Ji every day and is now looking to help those thousands of students who are all achieving over 70% within their examinations whilst daily reading sehaj paat. However, due to a lack of financial availability, or support from parents, students can only afford to study up until year 9 at the most.

Through this project, Guru Nanak Multiversity is offering these intelligent students that financial support (andcareer guidance, Gurmat Skills…) through scholarships with the condition of students having to achieve above 70% in all examinations. This helps student’s to be able to stretch academic careers as far as desired to reach a ‘top job’ position within India. This is where we need your help because this huge task cannot be completed successfully by one person or group but rather requires the entire Sikh nation to help their ownPunjabi nation: “Sikhs helping Sikhs”.With two hands joint clasped together, we request you that where we are paying for our everyday expenses let us try to help these children however possible so that they can reach the tip of academic excellence and we can preach our guru’s message of world unity and oneness whilst looking after our own nation. Just a donation of less than £1.00 everyday, £5-£6 a month or £60-£70 a year can pay for a student’s yearly fee.

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