Saturday, 1 June 2013

Just do it.......


Search through one million opportunities to volunteer and apply online at:

Vaheguru has blessed everyone with a talent, skill, quality which enables us to make a positive contribution to humanity. has millions of volunteer opportunities in many different  fields; education, media, legal work, environment, design etc which fit around your free time and location.

"Volunteers are love in motion"

"Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls."

Bhagat Puran Singh Jee on personal service:

"Every man and woman should spend some of his time and energy in the service of others. This is a debt that we carry for enjoying the comforts and privileges that the God has so kindly given us. It should be cleared by serving those brothers and sisters who have been deprived of comforts and privileges by individuals, nature or the society. Donating money alone is not adequate. You should devote your thoughts, your time and actions for them. Manual service is a first step towards a virtuous life. It teaches you how to be magnanimous. Selfless service is the base of a religion. 

Personal service when carried out sincerely crosses all artificial demarcations of cast, nationality and nationality. This communication leads a person straight from his heart to another awaiting heart. Personal service will develop peace, prosperity and openness between different casts, races and nationalities.

Wherever there is sorrow and pain there is an open invitation for Personal Service. This service has double benefits firstly, for the service rendered and secondly for the person for whom the service is being carried out. Personal service is not required to wait for any laws, institutions and legislations. It is completely free to fly on the wings of compassion to reach directly to the needy person. It never has to follow the devious and conniving paths of the Politics and Law. It emerges with freshness and vigour from the kind hearts of the generous and selfless people. It is not the result of long drawn out discussions, or arrives in a stale and decayed form after travelling the uninspired, narrow minded, gloomy and lazy paths.

Seva is not deterred by the personal secrets and differences of the individuals. It comes dashing in the help of the tormented souls of old or young men, women and children. It does not discriminate between countries, religions or castes; its only concern is the human being. It follows only one relationship of humanity, only one aim, that is of Love, Listens to only one sound, that of pain and suffering."


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