Monday, 10 June 2013

"Women moaning about equality are equal in today's society!"

We have heard many a time that women are equal and the darkness of inequality has disappeared and dissipated therefore as females we should "stop moaning about equality". Dhan Guru Nanak did indeed dispel myths surrounding the so called spiritual, social  and cultural inequality of females but sadly as we know the global prevalence of rape, poor maternal health, lack of female education, lack of female rights, domestic violence, sex trafficking amongst many other issues still plight the lives of millions of women and subsequent generations. As foot soldiers of Dhan Guru Nanak it is our job to continue to educate, empower, uplift and inspire females regardless of whether we are male or female. #InspireASister

Is the fight for equality over? The increasing prevalence of 'Gendercide'.

Extracts from Half the Sky: How to change the world by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn:

"It appears that MORE GIRLS HAVE BEEN KILLED IN THE LAST 50 YEARS, precisely because they were girls, THAN MEN WERE KILLED IN ALL THE BATTLES OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. More girls are killed in this routine 'GENDERCIDE' in any one decade than people were slaughtered in all the genocides of the twentieth century."

"Professor Sen found that about 107 million females are missing from the globe today."

"In India, for example, mothers are less likely to take their daughters to be vaccinated than their sons- that alone accounts for one fifth of India's missing females. "

"All told, girls in India from one to five years of age are 50% more likely to die than boys the same age. The best estimate is that a little Indian girls dies from discrimination every 4 minutes."

"In Fujian Province, China, a peasant raved to us about ultrasound: 'We don't have to have daughters anymore!'"

"A study found that thirty-nine thousand baby girls die annually in China because parents don't give them the same medical care and attention that boys receive- and that is just in the first year of life."

"In India, a 'bride burning'- to punish women for an inadequate dowry or to eliminate her so a man can remarry- takes place approximately once every two years, but these rarely constitute the news."

"In the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan, five thousand women and girls have been doused in kerosene and set alight by family members or in laws- or, perhaps worse, been seared with acid- for perceived disobedience just in the last nine years."

Let's stop blaming, victimising, discriminating & judging sisters rather understand, empower, educate & inspire. #InspireASister #Positivity

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